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Developing solutions to meet the current and future workforce needs of the state's energy industry.

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WEWC members include all types of energy companies (investor-owned, municipal, and electric cooperatives), their education (both secondary and postsecondary) and workforce partners, regional and local energy associations, and contractors.

Utility - $5,000:

     Company membership is open to U.S.-based entities with significant business operations in the WI. 

Contractors  - $2,000:

  • Performing work on site at a utility or directly on a utility transmission and distribution system such as system engineering, construction, operation and maintenance, equipment testing, refurbishment and repair, and customer service; or
  • Performing work off site for a utility, such as engineering modifications, component fabrication, equipment refurbishment, equipment manufacturing, and equipment testing.

Cooperative $500 & Utility Association $1500:

National, Regional, and Local Energy Associations can become WEWC members. Associations can join on behalf of all their employees and the contribution will be based on the total number of employees, or the association can join as an individual entity.

The energy member association contribution schedule is as follows:

  • Local / State / Regional Associations 
  • State and Regional associations may join on behalf of all the employees within their coop or municipal membership. 

Honorary - Free:

This category is for Educational Institutions, State of WI groups and other non-profits who support the Energy Industry.  

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2024 Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium
All Rights Reserved.

4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527

(608) 204-9820

Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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