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Developing solutions to meet the current and future workforce needs of the state's energy industry.

The Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium (WEWC), formed in 2014, is developing solutions to meet the current and future workforce needs of the state's energy industry.

The work of the Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium (WEWC) is led by five energy companies with service areas in Wisconsin: Wisconsin Public Service, WE Energies, Alliant Energy, Xcel Energy and Madison Gas and Electric.

Our Mission

The mission of the WEWC is to identify and develop programmatic solutions that WEWC members use to meet the current and future workforce needs of the energy industry in Wisconsin. This will be accomplished through active engagement and partnerships with investor-owned, municipal, and cooperative energy companies, contractors, energy and contractor associations, state economic development, workforce development, and education partners. 

2024 Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium
All Rights Reserved.

4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527

(608) 204-9820

Wisconsin Energy Workforce Consortium is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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